Josparoot Plus


Amino acids for roots bio-activator


Total amino acids

12,0% w/w

Total (N) Nitrogen

4,1% w/w

Organic Nitrogen (N)

2,7%  w/w

Ammonium Nitrogen (N)

1,4%  w/w

Iron (Fe)  soluble in water/EDTA chelated

0,8%  w/w

Manganese (Mn) soluble in water/EDTA chelated

0,2% w/w

Copper (Cu) soluble in water/EDTA chelated

0,4% w/w

Boron (Bo) soluble in water

0,4% w/w

Molybdenum (Mo) soluble in water

0,2% w/w


1,17 g/cc




JOSPAROOT PLUS is a highly efficient compound that promotes root development systems in all stages of cultivation, during stress and cold temperatures periods. Thanks to the optimal blend of amino acids rich in tryptophan, polysaccharides and seaweed extracts.

JOSPAROOT PLUS is formulated with a vitamin complex that promotes root development. The presence of amino acids and polysaccharides, promotes the absorption of nutrients (macro and microelements) containing.

JOSPAROOT PLUS is recommended early treatment to promote good root development and best start for a vigorous plant and to improve resistance to extreme weather conditions.




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